
Sunday 26 August 2012

365 Project Week 34

As the title in a book I'm reading says, "Love your dreams".
If you don't love them, they can never come to life, because you have to breathe life into them.

I've been dreaming a bit. Dreaming of getting back to being me - the me who had energy, had the patience to play, stood in awe of rainbows, stretched her wings, smiled into the sun, took a risk at the hairdressers and drank tea while it was still hot.

Five Go Blogging 365project week 34

I think my dream may come true, if I wish it hard enough, and will it into life.

Joining in with The Boy and Me.

If you would like to see any of this weeks photos in more detail, head over to my 365project.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. A lovely collection of photos - I hope your dreams come true!

  2. Some gorgeous photo here, I love the sunflower it would make a great header, and the rainbow.

  3. Beautiful photo collage. Mmmm hot tea, I haven't had a cup of hot tea for ages!

  4. Its hard to remember to love yourelf but when we do everyone is happier x

  5. Wise words indeed but when you are a busy and frazzled mum it is hard to keep hold of those dreams sometimes! Beautiful photos as always x

  6. Lovely photos. I hope you do find the time for yourself... I discovered iced coffee and now prefer it... sometimes it's about appreciating the new you as well!

  7. great great words. i do love the way you present your photos each week , not just the brilliant photos themselves but the words that accompanies them and your themes. xx

  8. Lovely words, and lovely photographs! I hope you find some time for yourself as well, it can be tough can't it? Just wanted to let you know that I have tagged you in a competition over at mine. No obligation obviously! Emma :)

  9. Every other weekend I get the chance to be 'me' again, but unfortunately without my children. As a divorced parent, don't wish your life away :-) Being 'you' will come again, when you little wee ones are grown up. 'You' are in there somewhere, injecting your personality into each of your 3 children without realising. xxx

  10. I don't know who I am anymore, and I'm not sure that I'll ever go back to being the old me. I need to reassign me a new me.

    Love the rainbow picture


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)