
Wednesday 17 August 2011

School Holiday Alphabet Countdown - F, G & H

Opps, bit of a catch up required on the School Holiday Alphabet Countdown.

It's been an 'interesting' couple of days which have conspired to interrupt normal service.

On Monday we had a non-sleeping toddler who finally laid his head to rest at midnight completely sabotaging any attempt I would have to post the Big One's photographic project. And Tuesday was MY day where I went out without children and did grown up stuff that was just for ME. I left instructions for photographic project that were ignored.

Hence today we have catch up.

On Monday I was instructed to create fairy wings and pirate costumes. Which I duly did.

F is for Fairy:

On Tuesday the Big One went cycling.

G is for Gears

And today is H. Also following on the cycling theme...

H is for Helmet.

Tomorrow, I know you can't contain your excitement, will be I.

Feel free to join in and add your link in the comments x

Photo credit: The Big One


  1. I is for igloo but as we are in throws of summer surely has to be icecream. Can then do j for jelly x

  2. thanks for the tips. Already done I but needed help for J. Come back to see what happens next.. da da daaaa.

  3. Loving joining in with us, the enthusiasm for it from E has not faltered. We love the fairy wings x


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)