
Monday 3 October 2011

The Artful Alphabet - Martina Jirankova-Limbrick

I am a bit of a charity shop addict, trawlling the shelves waiting for something to catch my eye. I have picked up a few clothes recently that are the perfect addition to my Autumn wardrobe (when it is cold enough) but I mainly buy books. Just plain old common paperbacks, normally off the Amazon best sellers list because I am not that adventurous and my window of opportunity for reading is pretty slim on an average day.

I also like to pick up classic childrens stories, with a particular attraction to anything Ladybird. I managed to pick up a box set of Roald Dahl for the princely sum of £7 albeit that The Twits was missing. No matter, I'm sure I'll find The Twits on one of my forages.

Anyway, to the case in point (finally). This gorgeous book screamed out to me with it's beautiful cover and when I started to flick through the pages I was hooked.

A small girl, a dog and a magic hat create amazing alphabetical scenes that come to life. 

Each page tells a story, full of animated characters and letters.

The fun, lively and enchanting illustrations draw you in, only revealing themselves a bit at a time.

I love the style and colours of the illustrations.

Each time I look at the pages I spot something I hadn't noticed before. I can't imagine ever tiring of them.

It's the sort of book that just leaves you happy :-)

And no, the children aren't allowed it. It is just too wonderful.

For more Magpie Monday finds go over to Me and My Shadow.


  1. It looks lovely, I'm a bit addicted to children's books too.

  2. That is a seriously delicious book.

    There's no way I'd let my daughter get her hands on it either!

    Thanks for linking up x

  3. What gorgeous illustrations! Gorgeous book x

  4. What a fantastic find. It looks amazing. Definately a 'coffee table' book :)

  5. What a beautiful book! Those illustrations are stunning.

  6. Love the book, I would definitely put it on a shelf out of reach :)

  7. Very very sweet. For a not so sweet children's book, have you yet come across 'Go the f*** to Sleep' by Adam Mansbach (especially when read by samuel l jackson. It's hilarious. Apologies for the lack of links! I'm a newbie blogger and still in the middle of working out how to do these things properly x


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)