
Monday 7 November 2011

10 Questions

The origin of the Question Mark.

The origin of the Question Mark is from the latin 'quaestio' meaning to ask as illustrated above. Don't ever day that this blog isn't educational!

I like questions and I like question marks and I have been set the challenge by Motherventing to answer 10 questions. Not 9 or 11 but a nice round 10. Apparently I am supposed to be honest to reveal to my followers a little bit more about me so they can get to know me better. Thing is I am very shallow and there isn't a whole lot of interesting stuff to know.

Fortunately the questions are nice and shallow too. So without the aid of any swimming aids I can jump straight in.

Describe yourself in seven words.
Bad-tempered writer of the next best seller (hyphenated words count as one don't they?)

What keeps you awake at night?
The Wee One but fortunately not that often any more. I am blessed with the ability to sleep through all manner of stress.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be, and why?
I would like to be Orla Kiely on a day when she is designing and playing around with patterns and colours and handbags. Heavenly.

What are you wearing now?
My wedding ring, a bad haircut, clothes that Gok would frown at and an expression that says, what the hell!

What scares you?
Spiders, rats, cockroaches, and anything else that might make itself at home where I am and it should not be.

What is the best and worst thing about blogging?
I like that, as a blogger, I can write what I want, when I want and occasionally get my ego massaged by some lovely comments. The worst thing about blogging is how remote it is. I can't wait to meet some fellow bloggers IRL!

What was the last website you looked at?
Apart from Motherventing's blog obviously, I was ordering my shopping from Ocado. Sorry, very dull but hey, the family's got to eat.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Shave a few pounds off here and there and add a few to the bank balance would be a good start.

Slankets: yes or no?
I think I might be a closet slanket lover but I cannot quite bring myself to buy one. It sits along side a foot cosy on the shopping list. Both practical, warm and snuggly but not something you really want the Mr to see you in.

Tell us something about the people who tagged you?
Motherventing is my writing and blogging inspiration. I aspire to her greatness of the use of the english language and her ability to make people not just laugh, but laugh until they either cry or pee.

Now I need to hop over to the Super Amazing Mum's blog where all this started and leave a comment along with everyone else who has answered the 10 questions.

And tag someone, a deserving cause who is also taking part in NaBloPoMo (or National Blog Posting Month) where you write a blog post a day. By being tagged for this meme I didn't have to seek inspiration for today but tomorrow is another story!

So Cat at Yellow Days... over to you x


  1. Yay! I helped you with NaBloPoMo! Now if my brains melt at some point soon, you'll have to help ME!

    And thank you for the lovely words :) X

  2. YAY!!!! Thanks for taking part, I have now discovered your blog and look forward to finding out more! I am also mum to 3!

    Love S.A.M xx


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)