
Monday, 16 January 2012

Snap Slappers Week 10

Hello my lovely Snap Slappers!

Have you been having the glorious sunrises and sunsets that we've been having in Lincolnshire? There I was out on the pavement in my dressing gown and slippers the other morning taking this photo.

Sunrise Stamford Lincolnshire

I'm sure the neighbours think I am mad, especially as the children (also in their PJs) were intent on seeing what I was trying to photograph. Sorry to any neighbours who were trying to have a lie-in!

But anyway, lovely sunrise as it is, and being addicted to Picnik, and being a mother to 3 who on occasion can find life hard work, I had to have play.

Snap slappers, I give you Gin O'clock!

Five Go Blogging, Gin O'Clock

I raise a glass(after 5pm)  in your honour!

Care to join me? Either in a glass of gin or as a Snap Slapper? Link away x

Five Go Blogging Snap Slappers


  1. love it...mine's a vodka though! ;)

  2. Brilliant! Mine's a vodka too MamaJ!

  3. Definitely gin for me, though not quite yet. Linked up, but looks like the gin got me as we're more than a mum blog, not blog! Ah well.

  4. Blog not blig, even - damn that gin!

  5. Love it, would be even better with Jack Daniels - cheers!

  6. What a great photo to start with! Love the edited version too. Oh go on then, 9.20am isn't too early is it....? :)

  7. Still don't get this gin thing. I'm certain I tried it and it was yucky!

    Love the photos though theyre ace!

  8. Save some gin for me please! If it's good stuff then on the rocks will do me nicely. If economy drive means drinking nail varnish remover type it will need tonic and lime me thinks :)


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)