
Monday 6 February 2012

Amigurumi Goes Blogging

This story starts in the summer when I went to the Lincoln Antiques Fair and bought a sewing box, and contents for the princely sum of £5. A treasure trove of needles, cottons, rug making tools and crochet hooks. I vaguely remember having a go at crochet at school and quite liking it but failing miserably to make anything that didn't resemble an accident with a ball of wool and an over enthusiastic kitten.

Then at a craft evening at a friends house, I found in a pile of 'must have a go at that' craft books, "Amigurumi Friends". I found myself strangely drawn to these little knitted and crocheted creatures that obviously require years of formal training before you could even attempt to turn a ball of yarn with the help of some needles into anything recognisable.

Then came along My Love Bumps who set a challenge to set up a Pinterest board, pin crafty type things to it and then make something from your board.

Then I found this post on RedTedArt for a SIMPLE  (note how I have stressed the word simple) amigurumi teddy bear.

So what could be more natural than I pin that cute bear onto my board, dust off the crochet needle, get me some yarn and make like a Granny?

Here he is. The SIMPLE teddy bear, as posted by RedTedArt from Amieggs

amigurumi bear

Cute isn't he?

Well I had a go using some online 'how to' videos. You know, 'how to' tie a slip knot, how to make one crochet stitch, that kind of thing.

Casting on stitches, I have found, is the trickiest thing to do. Fiddly doesn't even cover it. I am not the most patient of people and I thought *cough* I could knock this little bear out in one evening. Yeah right. Five evenings later and I was finally stuffing the little f..ella.

So here is my crochet journey (edited) (heavily).

crochet casting on
Casting on, and on, and on...

Crochet single stitch
Crochet innit.

Crochet circle
Ta da! A doily! Bugger, it's supposed to be a bear's head!
I was actually amazed that it became a pleasant way to pass the time. I have ordered a slanket and matching tartan slippers now, you know, to complete the 'not quite old enough to be doing this but secretly enjoying it' look.

So it seems I may need a bit more practise, and patience. And I need to actually count stitches, learn to read a pattern, or at worst, look at the picture of what you are aiming to achieve and make adjustments accordingly, addressing anything that differs wildly.

But enough of this waffle. You are desperate to see the finished bear I know. So here he is.

Amigurumi Bear
Bugger the Bear.
Named Bugger, early on in his creation, as it was the first word he heard and learnt due to its frequent repetition. He may have been sewn together slightly oddly, in that his head found limbs attached to it so was therefore promoted to the position of body and his body/head may be missing a snout as is traditional for bears but on the whole, overlooking these minor adjustments, I think you will agree that Bugger is a lovely little fella and will be henceforth the FiveGoBlogging mascot :)

Amigurumi Bear
It's like looking in a mirror!
Now I'm sure that when you pop over to LoveBumps blog there will be more craftiness occurring.



  1. I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!! Bugger the Bear is too buggery cute!! You clever lady you - well done! I love the last pic of him looking in the 'mirror' Thanks for joining in, you totally rock x

  2. I think he's great. Reminds me of my fab Nan who used to crochet everything - even our dresses. She's still going strong at 95, but her hands are too gnarled up now for such art. Looks like she can pass the baton on to you though! I can't be sure she's ever used the word bugger in her life! I'm such a let down to her and my mum coz it's really something I can't turn my hand to. Well done you x

  3. LOVE him!! Well done. He is fab. I really want to give crochet a go too. You post did make me laugh particularly his name!! Sounds like me when I am sewing. x

  4. He is so cute. I have to learn to crochet soon. I've always wanted to but never had much joy when I've tried before.
    After seeing that little fella, I'm going to try again :)

  5. Great stuff... it's one of the things on my to learn list!

  6. Great bear! I have been crocheting for a little while and couldn't even muster up a heart at the weekend!! x

  7. He is glorious - I can't crochet, I've tried and tried and tried and just cannot do it!

  8. Amazing! You have done a great job! And I love the last photo :) x

  9. Aw how cute is he! I think he's ace but alas, I will not be taking up the art of crochet just yet! x

  10. I think the little Bugger looks great. I like a rotund tummy in a bear - much more realstic. Great job pinaddict xx x

  11. just can't get my head around crocheting AT ALL! Love him - name made me splutter laughing x

  12. I think Bugger looks great - much better than I could do I am 100% sure - having said that I plan to try and join in next month!

  13. I've fallen in love with Bugger the bear! He's got real charisma! Smith x

  14. Oh wow...Well done...I love him! Soooo cute! x

  15. Well done you! I cannot crochet to save my life! Do love Amigurumi though! The last picture of him admiring himself is brilliant! Emma :)


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