
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Me Right Now - The Gallery

It's a rare day that you will see a picture of me on my blog.
I am normally the other side of the camera, but Tara at Sticky Fingers laid down a challenge to take a photo of myself right now.
If I were to take a photo of myself RIGHT NOW you would see me hunched over a keyboard, squinting because I forgot my glasses and hugging a cup of tea.
However, only a matter of minutes ago I was like this:

self portrait

almost dancing with delight at my thrifty purchase.
The Joseph (JOSEPH!) cardigan I am modelling was found in my Age UK charity shop this morning. Whoo Hoo!


  1. Wow! You look v glam - great find - I'm hopeless at finding stuff in charity shops.

  2. Oh that's brilliant. Just think how you'll chuckle to yourself every time you see that photo now in years to come!
    And it's you! Your face and not the pink dog (no offence) I'm used to seeing!

  3. Oh, I love a bargain! I would be dancing around too at that find :)

  4. I love charity shops. So much of my wardrobe is sourced from them and I have found such cools things.


  5. Helloooooo. NIce to put a face to a blog. You look like a very cheery sort :)

  6. wow you look amazing in this photo!! And well done on your bargain too! enjoy

  7. Hello, so nice to see the real you! Can't beat a bargain...

  8. Mahahahahaha that's brilliant. Love your face :) X

  9. oh what a great photo you look so happy and it is a lovely cardi!

  10. great photo - you look fab! and brilliant find - Joseph! well done.

  11. No wonder you look very happy, brilliant find!


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)