
Monday 13 February 2012

My First...

... meme about first things!

I was tagged by Just Above Average Mum for this list of ‘firsts’. Hers were very inspiring and made me smile so go and take a look.

My first boyfriend
Not strictly a boyfriend because I think the love was very much one way and I don't even remember getting kissed, but Peter Collins, age 6ish, was the love of my life in Year 2 and I even scratched his name on my wooden pencil case.

First person you kissed
David, in the bus shelter, raining, age 15. Not quite the magical experience I was expecting.

First job
Oh the glamour of that green gingham polyester uniform as I sat at the grocery check out every Saturday. I interviewed at the same time as my friend for a Saturday job in Debenhams. She got to work in ladies fashions. I got to work in their instore grocery. I was a little miffed to say the least.

First pay packet? What did you buy with it?
Blatantly exploiting my friends staff discount card for ladies fashions, I blew it on a top.

First cd you remember buying?
Nope, absolutely stumped on this one. I have no recollection of ever buying a CD, and certainly not a Now That's What I Call Music #3 and a 1/2. Not me.

First holiday abroad
I was a sweet innocent big brown eyed girl when we flew, yes on a plane, to Spain, age 3. Apparently I made friends with a lovely little french girl by the pool. We conversed in the language of all 3 year olds - Dolls. Then there was my first holiday abroad with friends which was to Ibiza, of course, aged 18. I returned with a lobster tan, no money and fond memories of Club 18-30.

What age were you when you moved out of your parents home?
I was a late starter in that regard, leaving home at 22 to move to London to further my career as a retail guru. Mum and dad were relieved.

And now I want you BlueBirdSunshine and you Older Single Mum to spill the beans on your firsts.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed reading your memories of your firsts. X

  2. I've just been tagged by Bluebirdsunshine on Firsts, so I thought I'd hop over and read your list. Glad to see I wasn't the only one to leave it late to leave home. Poor parents!!!


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)