
Saturday 24 March 2012

365 Project Week 12 Round Up

Spring has sprung and Five were outward bound this week. Walking, playing, screaming (at the funfair) and shining.

FiveGoBlogging 365project week 12

My week started with Mothers Day. But then I suspect yours did too unless you are not a resident of the UK in which case it might well have been Fathers Day (Spain). Did you Spanish Dad's get flowers and homemade cards? I did.

The sun had the daffodils bobbing their heads at me so I thought I would recognise one daff in particular that caught my eye and see if it would say 'Cheese!' for me. It didn't but I still think I captured it's smile. And then my bracelet smiled at me while I was sewing a dress for the Princess. I think it approved of the fabric.

There is a time of day when the sun is going down at the back of our garden, when it flickers through the low branches of the tree. This was when I was bringing in my DRY washing off the line *little celebratory cheer* and decided to hang some of it back up again (mad) to take a picture of my pegs.

And when the sun didn't shine we brought our own glow to the day by looking through glowstick glasses.

Stamford has some serious history attached to it and I walk passed a little slice of that everyday in the form of a row of houses. They are stunning. White, four stories, balconies on the first floor, a slice of my towns history and yes I would love to live in one of them except they only have courtyard gardens so wouldn't really be practical for Misty Moo. Phew. Thought I was going to have to move for a minute then.

And to end our week we forced the kids to go to the Fair. I know, but we insisted they eat sugar and have fun at this other piece of Stamford history. The picture I added to my 365project seems to confirm they hated it, when secretly I think they loved it.

How did your week shape up? Just being nosey, you understand.

For more 365project photos head over to The Boy and Me.
And you may have heard (have you heard?) I am on the shortlist for a BiB Award recognising my photography. Should you agree that I am indeed worthy of an award please accept my invitation to vote for me in the Snap category and click on the pretty pink and green badge below :)

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Snap Shortlist


  1. Congratulations on your BiB shortlisting

  2. Especially love the glow sticks but who doesn't love glow sticks?!

  3. Can't believe you put your washing back on the line! Stamford is lovely - have visited several times (along with a couple of memorable New Years!)

  4. Stamford sounds like a great place to visit and what child could resist a trip to the fair! Huge congratulations on your BIB place.

  5. well done on your BIB shortlist place! looks like a great week of photos and what a highlight for you going to the fair lol x

  6. A very well deserved BIB place! Fantastic set of photos this week, they are all fab bit I love the glow stick glasses shot, that is genius!

  7. Sounds like a fab week. Well done on the BIB shortlist achievement.

  8. The glow stick glasses are fab, love em!

  9. Love those glowstick glasses! Fab news re the BiB shortlist :)

  10. love the glowstick glasses a great week round up :)

  11. Great roundup of photos and congrats on your BIB shortlisting!

  12. WOW congratulations on your BiB :) xxx

  13. All the fun of the fair! Looks like you've hd a great week, beautiful daffodil shot.

    Thanks for linking up.


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