
Sunday 11 March 2012

Week 10 of 365 Project

I have a great sense of achievement this week.

I have passed on my love of all things photo app and editing related to a friend. The fool *mwhahahha*. She had an iphone and took pictures but when I showed her what you could do with those pictures using pixlr-o-matic she may have let out a little squeal! Pixlr-o-matic is my new app of choice (for this week anyway).

Also has launched which is the closest replacement to Picnik yet. They are promising that collages are coming along with more stickers but it is just too easy to use and has a remarkable sense of familiarity about it.

Can I just say that I am loving this project and I can easily see it continuing for years to come.

There are more addicts out there, mostly congregating at the alter of The Boy And Me. Go see.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Some interesting ones, there, I love the shadow on the shed

  2. wow, great photos. I like the sink! :)

  3. The sink photo is definitely my fave for this week and I will have a look at picmonkey thanks for the recommendation!

  4. Love how different your pics are, the ones looking out of the window and the shadow on shed are really good :-)

  5. They are great photos. I'm loving the shadow one best.

  6. I'm so pleased to see how much you're enjoying the project, there are photos to be had everywhere aren't there? Your kitchen sink shot proves that, clever cropping indeed. Love the shadow on the shed wall.

    Thanks for linking up


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)