
Wednesday 14 March 2012

You Choose by Nick Sharratt & Pippa Goodhart

Have you read "You Choose" by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart to your children? Well when I say read, it is more like played.

You Choose

On each page you choose something to create a story. A friend, a place, a house, an outfit, a mode of transport, a pet, a bed, furniture.

We now have two copies thanks to Bookstart which I shall be eternally grateful for (possibly). The children love this book and we get to play it almost every night. But the novelty has started to wear off for The Mr who refuses to read/play it anymore due to all permutations of the story being exhausted (in his opinion). Although technically that would require reading it every night for the rest of his life and possibly the lives of any grandchildren that may be produced in much future years.

However, I quite like it in smaller doses and decided I would give you all a little treat and reveal my choices from this evenings reading/playing. I know, exciting stuff huh? Hold onto your seats, this could be fun okay.

You Choose
Right now? Up a mountain. Listen! Yep, silence.
You Choose
Bless her. My Aunt Betty Blacktooth.
You Choose
Ptolemy and Persephone. They have anxieties.
You Choose
Wherever I lay my hat... or council tax avoidance.
You Choose
The essentials for a party: disco ball, toilet and lava lamp...
You Choose
and cocktail bar! Gin sling anyone?
You Choose
Party bus. More accomodating than campervans!
You Choose
If drunk, chocolate, yogurt and kebabs. If sober, other.
You Choose
Kimonos are so this season. And big pants.
You Choose
Should road travel bore me, I shall fly on my pet dragon.
You Choose
Flexible working, and you get to spy through windows.
You Choose
As if you need to ask!
You Choose
Not sure how I'm going to fit that in a bus/campervan mind.
N'night* x

*This salutation may be premature. Please feel free to revisit at bedtime :)

For more bedtime stories check out Mumsnet's list of recommended reads :)


  1. big favourite at our house - although I admit to feeling slightly offended when my daughter chose the caveman to represent mummy!

  2. I've never seen that book before, but it looks like great fun. I must look out for it.

  3. How lovely to see a mum enjoying playing with the book too! Nick (Sharratt) sent me the link, so we've both enjoyed your enjoyment.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)