
Tuesday 12 June 2012

Rascullz Helmet Review

The Big One needed a new crash/cycle helmet having outgrown his old one and an opportune product review presented itself to me in the form of an Ozbozz Rascullz helmet, thus:

Raskullz Helmet Shark in action

How flippin' awesome does that look? I know, I know!

The Big One jumped so high in excitement that he almost needed the helmet to protect him from the ceiling.
He loved it. It was cool enough for school (and at 7 years old that is no mean feat).

I plonked it on his head.

I pulled a bit. I pushed a bit. I sellotaped his ears to his head. I'm not one to boast but apparently we have big heads in our family. This trait flows though the paternal side of the family (avoiding myself therefore) such that headwear would normally require a form of elastication or circumference adjusting gadgetry to ensure a comfortable fit.

The Big One was not going to give in so easily however. He says it is comfortable and I followed the recommended size test and sure enough his forehead moves when I move the helmet. It seems that the design of this helmet is that it doesn't come down the side of his head as far as I would have expected so it does in fact fit. It is secure and covers the important bits.

The Big One often rides his scooter to school but doesn't normally wear a helmet for this. (We have however, recently amended our ways after a nasty accident involving a friend, a scooter and the meeting of his face and the pavement. Take heed people). But now he is more than happy to wear his new Rascullz helmet for scooting as well as cycling.

Not to be left out, The Wee One wanted in on the act too...

rascullz shark helmet worn incorrectly

... for extreme wheelbarrowing! I padded it out with socks and toast and toy trains but whichever way round he wore it, it was too big for him (and only recommended for ages 5 and up).

The princess wants this one:

Rascullz Unicorn Helmet

And I suspect she will have wrapped Daddy sufficiently round her finger to get one before the week is out.

As a crowd pleaser this helmet gets 5/5
For fit I would say 4/5 because it isn't adjustable around the head although the chin strap is of course.
For price 4/5 - slightly pricey compared to a standard helmet but still great value.

Disclosure: We were sent the Ozbozz Rascullz helmet free to review.

There are lots of different RASKULLZ Helmets to choose from including a Shark, Mohican, Ladybug or Unicorn.The RASKULLZ collection of helmets from OZBOZZ is available now and retail at around £19.99 each. Stockists include Toys R Us and JD Williams. For more information visit and why not find Ozbozz on Facebook and like our page for even more promos!


  1. Oooh GG needs a new helmet - Disney Princess is so yesterday! Will go check out some styles. He looks v cool btw

    1. Haha! I want the Mohican! Wonder if they do adult sizes???


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