
Saturday 11 August 2012

365project Week 32

I have a new lucky mascot.
He is called Mr Peanut.
He found my photography mojo for me!

Five Go Blogging 365project week 32

I started the week all vintage: peanutty, cobbly, shiny and glidey. I mashed up the old and new: new build glimpsed through old bows and new technology showcasing old builds. I ended the week in a splashy new pool.

I love mash ups. I love old blended with new, traditional with a modern vibe, using the past to influence the now. This may my new 'thang'.

Thank you Mr Peanut.

Joining in with The Boy and Me.

If you would like to see any of this weeks photos in more detail, head over to my 365project.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. hooray for Mr Peanut! A brilliant selection of photos all from very creative angles. I particularly like the pool shot that is really effective.

  2. that Mr Peanut looks a little cheeky if you ask me, the way he is winking like that lol
    some wonderful photos i really like the feet in the water and the reflection of the house in the lake x

  3. Lovely pictures. I like the paddling one, reminds me of tropical holidays x

  4. Had to look twice at the top one to work out if that was a real plane or a toy one!

  5. Lovely photos, especially the one of the boy and plane!

  6. I am loving the splashing feet, plane cockpit and reflection photos. Always brilliant from you!

    Thanks for linking up

  7. Amazing photos! Glad you and Mr Peanut met up!! Love the boy and the plane as well as the view from the plane! Fantastic!!!

  8. Some really arty photos in your collection this week. that pool one is gorgeous.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)