
Monday 20 August 2012


When it is hot, and everything is more of an effort than you have energy for, and it suddenly gets dark and rains, big fat raindrops, bouncing on the table and paving stones, and them stops just as suddenly, the sky returning to blue, that is my kind of rain.

We had a couple of showers like that this week. One I watched from underneath a tree with my children, waiting for it to ease up a little so our ice creams wouldn't wash away. Another I watched from my kitchen window, anticipating its arrival and then refreshed as the rain fell.

When it was over, I went outside and took this photo of the table in the garden.

raindrops on a glass table

The little pools of water are like continents of the world, but easily transformed by a fingertip, dragging across it's map. The sun shines again, glistening in the puddles marking summer once more.

I am joining in with a new linky on the block over at Cakes Photos Life called Monday Mobile. Just link up a photo you have taken on your mobile in the last week. Easy.



  1. Thats a lovely photo and Love the story also, thanks for linking :) xxx

  2. That's rather cool. We had a storm here on Sunday but it was a bit pathetic and didn't clear the air at all.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)