
Wednesday 7 November 2012


Autumnal Spiders web

I may have mentioned in a recent post (or two) that I love Autumn.
I love the colours of the leaves, the low sun and crisp mornings when the mist has just cleared.
I love leaving footprints on fresh dew.
I love watching my own breath on the cold morning air.
In late Autumn, I love jumpers, and cups of cocoa.

But I hate spiders. And with Autumn comes the influx of spiders, creeping under doors, edging their way around the skirting board, peeking out from behind furniture to taunt me. One was blazen enough to walk across my bedroom floor. I knew it was there because I could here its footprints. From downstairs.

And every year they get bigger. I thought things were supposed to get smaller as you got older. Like Milky Ways and Creme Eggs.

It comes to something when you have to get your son's friend to get rid of one for you. Yes, he was only 7 at the time. But I think it is important to encourage their bravery, good character development stuff.

Hopefully, they have retreated back to their nests *shiver* for Winter now.

So it is probably safe for me to come out from under my duvet now, yes?

Joining in with The Gallery at Sticky Fingers.


  1. ooooh. Hate spiders but love webs. Just so damned clever

  2. Lovely photo. My youngest is totally freaked at the moment by the tiniest of spiders. Even the 'money' and good luck thing doesn't work. I was just the same as a wee one, especially with the dreaded Daddy Long Legs!!

  3. spiders and mice! The spiders are hugs, huge, huge and everywhere. SO big even my cats won't eat them. I'm think of charging them rent.

  4. I prefer spiders to Autumn. Spiders eat flies and they're fascinating to watch. Autumn means cold, to me. I know the leaves are a lovely colour and there is that unique crispness in the air, but the rest is cold. And damp.
    Lovely photo! But where is the owner?... (I hope he's not lurking behind you...)

  5. Beautiful pic. Maybe stay under the duvet just a little longer, to be really sure ;)

  6. I am *so* jealous! I never manage to cature a spider's web.

    Popping over from The Gallery.

  7. I put a glass over them until help arrives.
    gorgeous photograph.

  8. Great pic! Little spiders I can deal with...those big buggers?! Err no thanks!!

  9. I do not mind spiders, especially when I see something as beautiful as this! ;) Great photo. xx

  10. I'm not a big fan of spiders either - that web is fab though!

  11. I have a spider catcher, a little plastic box on the end of a long pole. Lovely photo x.

  12. Absolutely, I really dislike spiders! I have however got braver as I've got older and if I can't stomach it, the dog is a great killer of the 8-legged beastie! Fantastic photo btw.

  13. Beautiful picture. I love the focus and the fade on it. Stunning.

  14. I love looking at spiders webs, just not spiders.

  15. I'm not keen on spiders but that web is very pretty!

  16. We have just got a new camera and I cant wait to take a spiders web!

  17. the pic, a glittery web(minus the 'maker', thank gawd!)...tho prefer spiders to slugs, especially when I find them in our playroom...yuk, how on earth did they get in??


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)