
Tuesday 1 January 2013

A Good Eye

I am not a big one for reflection. I believe in fate and that 'this' was meant to be, so why analyse the past when you could better use your energy to create your future. Of course, as a believer in fate, I could just sit here and wait for it to happen but then where's the fun in that? Create you future and your fate will find you? Yeah, that's about right.

But, 366 days ago I started a photography project where I would take a photo a day and publish it for the world to see. Not quite the whole world has seen it (according to my blogging statistics) but it is there, should fate lead you here for the first time. It has been a lovely way for me to record my days. I can look back (for research purposes, not to reflect) and remember exactly what was happening on each day. This could also be useful for when dementia sets in.

I have chosen my favourite photo from each month of 2012 and brought them together.

They each tell a little story to me, each evokes a memory, of squatting on the pavement on the school run, or standing at the kitchen sink and day dreaming, or chasing a small person up the street, or failing to clean the bathroom, or patiently waiting for a woman to move at the coffee shop so I could capture the sun on a chair, or congratulating myself on finding the perfect twitter gates, or pacing around the sunflower patch looking for the perfect angle of sun through petals, or hoping that the warden at the airfield didn't catch me leaning on the wing of his plane, or cleaning out a mussel shell purely for photographic purposes, or laying on my stomach all the better to catch a dandelion clock in the breeze, or staring into puddles while the Big One moans he is cold.

They may not be my best photos, and none are of my children, but they make me happy because I found the right angle, at the right moment, and caught it on my camera. These photos give me the belief that I am an okay photographer and I have 'a good eye'. There's no hope for my other eye, however.

I'm linking up to The Boy and Me who has kept so many of us 365project addicts going.


  1. I love these. Well done for getting to the end of the year. I only made it to August. I particularly love the sunflower and I know what you mean about loving the ones that show you've got a good eye.

  2. I love them and it's great to see them all together.

  3. Great memories and each taken from such interesting angles. Mine are all so obvious!

  4. They are so arty, some really lovely shots there. Love the little feet running away!

  5. They are amazing photo's and lots of lovely memories I'm sure. x

  6. Great photos, some really interesting ones there and they look good altogether as a collage too!

  7. I see (sink) faces!

    So many of these are familiar to me, your dimply pavement one is the first time you flagged up on my radar ;-) I adore the sunflower photograph.

    Thanks for sticking with the project and linking up.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)