
Saturday 2 February 2013

365Project Week 5 2013

Hello my dear readers.

How are you today? Enjoying this crisp wintery sunshine? Time to get out there, wrapped up warm obviously, and snap some signs of spring, a few rays of wintery sunshine, some rosy cheeks perhaps. Well that's my plan anyway.

I am a fervent snapper on my iphone and poster on Instagram (my latest crush) but I feel the need to get the big one out and take some 'proper' pictures. Of course, you could be quite cynical and suspect that I am trying to up my photographic game in time to influence the votes for the MADS, but you would be quite wrong. I just like taking photos and I am vain enough to think that they are mostly quite good. I hope you like them too ;-) *cough* *MADS* *cough* *Best Photography Blog* *cough*

Fivegoblogging 365project week 5 2013

Meanwhile, *ahem* here is the week that was week 5.

Digging out the mop only to be mobbed by little feet.
Training my youngest model and my snapping finger.
Me myself and I, semi hiding, somewhat faded.
Jelly tots loaded jelly as if jelly wasn't enough.
Spoils of market day, a mango, bananas and a fruit loaf. Delish.
The Misty Moo, ears perked up and poised to pounce.
Me and my iphone. Bonded.

Hope you have a lovely week :-)

Linking up with the Queen of 365, The Boy and Me. Do pay a visit.

MAD Blog Awards

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. The colour of the middle is superb and I love thecsdaiw puppets x

  2. hee hee am loving your MADS pimping, except of course you arent!!
    the jelly tot laden jelly looks like jewells! and the footprints on the freshly mopped floor is very good x

  3. Great photos for the week, love the Mads pimping aswell, good idea :-)

  4. I love how arty your photo's are :-)

  5. Love the mopped floor shot - that happens to me too, but never taken a pic of it and it makes a great picture.

  6. I love those little footprints through the flour!

  7. All lovely but my fave this week is the 'Me and my iPhone shot. LOVE it

  8. Great footprints pic. and that jelly looks lush! x

  9. Ooh, I like the shadow one. Clever!

  10. Love that shadow shot, it's glorious!

    'The Queen'? LOVE YOU!

    Thanks for linking up.

  11. I love the mopped floor picture, could almost think it was flour. I love jelly tots but have never put them in jelly

  12. Oh, I love it! Thanks for the poem!


  13. That mopped floor is amazing - and I love the colour of the jellytot jelly!

  14. Those photos are so clever. I love the first one. Fantastic.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)