
Saturday 9 March 2013

Ooh! Saturday!

He loves his lips.
He likes a good old fashioned pout.
He likes kisses too.
He especially likes it if I squish my lips (sometimes aided by his own fair hand) into a pout and kiss him.

Not entirely sure what his thoughts were here but he is very fond of his new green hippo. Feel free to supply your own interpretation ;-)

Pouting hippo

Joining in with the Goddess of Captions Mammasaurus.


  1. I've decided that the hippo is my brother - we have the same mouths!

  2. I am master of the green animal kingdom and chief pouter

  3. oooo I could crush a hippo!

    (old skool Stu Francis fandabbiedozie pun there - I may be the only one old enough to remember that though!)

  4. Pucker up mummy, the hippo wants a kiss...look I'll show you how!


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)