
Saturday 20 April 2013


The sun shines and it is like the world is smiling at you.
So I am gorging myself on sunlight, soaking it in, hoping that it will see me through the inevitable dreary days that will come.

Five Go Blogging 365project week 16 2013

Morning sunlight pouring through the windows attracts boys who want to play.
Too busy playing in the sun to eat his first breakfast, so a second breakfast today.
Sunlight on my dining room floor.
Warmer evenings and a mysterious artistic duo are painting the town, literally.
The sun seems to be making his eyelashes grow longer.
My garden workforce.
Jigsaws on the dining room floor where the sun shines.

May the sun shine on your week.

Join The Boy and Me to see what they've been up to this week.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. it has been a great week for sunshine - hurrah! i like the photo showing the shadow of your flowers and window on the floor and looks like a lot of fun going on in the garden x

  2. I do love your shadow photographs, but the one of them on the sofa/windowsill is ace!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  3. love the black and white shot its beautiful xx

  4. Doesn't it make such a difference - the sun - it really cheers up my mornings to wake up to blue skies! X.

  5. When the sun shines it's amazing what a difference it can make! I do love the art that seems to be popping up in your town, they are very talented.

  6. Lovely to see lots of sunny photos

  7. Gotta love those sunshiney days, it seems like the brighter the sun shines the happier we are!

  8. What lovely lovely photos. The sunlight really does make such a huge difference doesn't it?


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)