
Saturday 28 September 2013

I hear ya!

She who must be obeyed (aka The Boy and Me) suggested that my photos were too small. I could have told her to zoom in of course, or head to my 365project account. But I can take feedback so here you are. In full glorious technicolor.

FiveGoBlogging 365project week 39 2013

I will use the excuse now that they are all taken on my iphone and I don't love the quality of them. (That's why I always publish them small ;-) ). I will also now pledge to dust off the real camera and actually take a few proper photos. If I had used my real camera this week I would have...

... missed the Princess sitting in the box. She leapt out very quickly.
... ended up with a flash shot of the wee one in a tunnel and lost the silhouette.
... dropped my camera in my washing up because it is heavy.
... got a wet camera strap from the dew soaked grass on the rugby field.
... got a shot of the wee one's hand as he is over having his photo taken.
... not bothered taking a photo of the wee one's shadow eating his tea.
... got an infinitely better shot of the bull at the Stamford Georgian Festival.
So sometimes a shaky old iphone gives you the opportunity to capture a snpashot of our lives that you wouldn't otherwise have. At least that's my logic.

Are you an iphonographer or a photographer? Actually can an iphonographer call themselves a photographer?

Join The Boy and Me to follow more 365'ers

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

And with Make Do And Push - The week that was Instagrammed!


Wednesday 25 September 2013

Make like a Sunflower

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do.”  - Helen Keller

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do.”
- Helen Keller

Today I sought out the one remaining sunflower at the back of the garden shed and stood beside her as her head lifted towards the weakening Autumn sun. I raised my face to be warmed and did not look behind me, at the shadow on the ground. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts.

I hope there will be sun again tomorrow. But if there is no sun, does that mean we are all in the shadow of the clouds?

Joining in with the Gallery and the theme of 'Faces'.


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Little Adventures with Barny

These feet are made for... scooting apparently so a-scooting we did go.

This is a new thing for the wee one having decided he is too big for the pram now and finding a 3 year olds walking pace not always conducive to necessarily fast paced school runs. We have spent a couple of weeks dragging him along with a bag tied to the handle bars which is hard work going up hill but reassuringly under control going down hill.

But yesterday was time for free scooting. With a little Barny cake to refuel en route.

It started well with The Wee One enjoying the freedom of whizzing along (must get him to wear a helmet) and learning how to control his speed and direction. He even tackled a slalom of parking posts.

We then stopped for a snack in the form of a milk filled Barny cake. According to the Wee One I made two mistakes here:

1. I only brought one cake with us.
2. The second cake that I should have brought should have been chocolate filled.


Hence the last three photos were of a less than impressed three year old showing Stamford how to sulk professionally.

What adventures have you got up to today?

This post is an entry for Britmums 'Little Adventures Challenge' in partnership with Barny, the bear-shaped snack providing a little discovery in every bite. Find out more about Barny here.

Sunday 22 September 2013


I'm keeping it simple. Perhaps too simple but I don't seem to have the capacity to push myself out of my comfort zone.
It is probably the changing seasons, getting back into the school routine, and a challenging three year old who hasn't quite worked out that he isn't top dog in this house.
My 'need to do' list is ever growing, my 'want to do' list floats around taunting me. 
I really should get off my arse!


Join The Boy and Me to follow more 365'ers

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky 

And with Make Do And Push - The week that was Instagrammed!


Saturday 14 September 2013

So different

You are a completely different model. So different in personality and temperament to your brother and sister. Your own person with a will so infuriatingly stronger than mine.

I start the day with an energy, ready to cajole and nudge you in the direction I need you to go; to the breakfast table, to the bathroom, into your clothes and out of the door. Within 30 minutes I am spent, mental exhaustion renders me impatient with a tendency to shout. 
Why won't you do anything I ask? Why do you laugh as I chase you round the table with your coat in my hands? Why can't you see how tired I am?
Because you are three. And it's all a game.

When your big brother and sister were three they played games too, but not with my emotional wellbeing. They played with toys.
They would do what I needed them to do, without shouting or tears. At least, that's how I remember it. Why are you so different?
Because you are you. And I need to remember that.
I need to learn how to be a different mum for you. One who can be a little more patient. One who has some new tricks up her sleeve. One who can take a few deep breaths.
I'll try. 
In the meantime, will you please just put on your coat!



So summer fades as quickly as my Scottish tan and Autumn promises to wrap itself around my shoulders with a comforting hug. 

We are grasping the last weak rays and wringing ever single drop of warmth from them before an afternoon's walk necessitates a thermos and ugg boots on a good day or a kayak on a bad day. 


Join The Boy and Me to follow more 365'ers

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky 

And with Make Do And Push - The week that was Instagrammed!


Wednesday 11 September 2013

Me Me Me

Me me me. Well that's enough about me. What do you think of me?

I have met a few people in my time who are very self-centric. Conversations might start with a question about what I am up to, how my weekend was, where I went on holiday. But then mid reply, they interupt with their own funnier, more interesting, fascinating story. Any conversation is in order to self promote, seek sympathy or garner an array of oohs and aahs for their own project.

I avoid these people.

I also avoid Instagrammers who only post up photos of themselves. Yes you have great hair. And great taste in clothes. And look! Another photo of you in a glamorous location.

I don't have great hair, or a budget to have great taste in clothes, and the playground and supermarket aren't glamorous locations. But sometimes I do take a photo of myself. And it pleases me because of the light or the flattering angle or the background. And it tells a story.

This is one such photo.

Fivegoblogging selfie

I like photos of myself wearing sunglasses, the angle has dropped 2 stone off my tummy and I am laughing/gurning because I was trying to take a selfie to show off my handy dressmaking skills while the Wee One repeatedly photo-bombed my self-timer app.

In years to come, he won't have any issues about posting selfies on his IG stream!

Joining in with Sticky Fingers and the prompt of 'selfie' for The Gallery 


Saturday 7 September 2013

Holiday Blues

Five went to Scotland!

Five Go Blogging 365project week 35 2013
Five Go Blogging 365project week 36 2013

In the last week of the school holidays we managed to get away and skimmed stones, paddled on beaches, barbecued on the beach, built sand whales, watched the sun set, explored, ate sand filled sandwiches, climbed a lighthouse, painted stones, watched starlings fly and smiled a relaxed and happy smile. We smiled up at blue skies and dipped our toes into blue seas.

Inevitably holidays must end and now the blues of nature are replaced by a blue mood, catching sun bleached locks as they fall to the barbers floor, waving the children off on their first day back to school, hearing the sobs of the Wee One as Daddy goes back to work.

Sad that the summer is over, but full of happy memories to look back on while I sit in my PJ's.

Join The Boy and Me to follow more 365'ers

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

And with Make Do And Push - The week that was Instagrammed!