
Sunday 13 October 2013


I have been privileged to have been awarded the honour of a feature post on The Boy and Me's blog this week. And it is indeed an honour. She is a talented photographer with a passion to capture the ordinary in her life as well as the extraordinary and has inspired me not only in my photographic endeavours but also as a parent. So thank you The Boy and Me.

From those giddy heights of recognition to the lowly daily routine captured on my iphone.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 06.10.2013

The sun rises everyday but sometimes it is more appreciated than others.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 07.10.2013

An extra pair of hands is always appreciated.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 08.10.2013

Misty Moo always but always appreciates a walk.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 09.10.2013

I love sewing and tonight the Big One appreciated a lesson from dear old Ma.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 10.10.2013

I appreciate a splash of colour on a dreary day.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 11.10.2013

A welcome cuppa while planning is afoot.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 12.10.2013

As much as I appreciate the art that is photography, I also appreciate the auto function.

What have you been appreciative of  this week?

Join The Boy and Me to follow more 365'ers

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

And with Make Do And Push - The week that was Instagrammed!



  1. Your first photo is truly beautiful! :) Wonderful! It looks like you've had a lovely week.

    Thank you so much for linking up to #TWTWI xx

  2. That sky is just amazing.......I haven't managed to take my camera off the auto setting yet

  3. I appreciated the garden yesterday. Before the crappy weather came! I'm a point and snap gal with the mobile camera kind of gal but would love some knobs to twiddle ;)

  4. Some stunning photos, the sunrise, dog shadow and a splash of colour.... actually of them are wonderful!

  5. I've appreciated not having a cold this week and feeling human again! I really love the shadow of the dog, makes a fab photo.

  6. Fab photos! I'm going to have a look at this linky as I'm desperately trying to get back into photography and finally feel inspired again! Now I just need a 'proper' camera! Xx

  7. well done you on being featured honey, your photos are beautiful x

  8. I love the shadow of your dog - looks really wolfy!

    The auto function is my friend too :)

  9. it was a worthy feature as you take amazing photos - i always enjoy seeing your IG feed.
    the shadow looks so eeerie - more wolf like than dog and that sky shot with the sun streaming through the clouds is beautiful x

  10. Great pictures, I love the fact that misty moo looks like a wolf. The red Virginia creeper looks a fantastic colour

  11. Lovely, lovely post..... that first photo is awesome.

  12. That shadow is amazing, he or she looks like a wolf!! The first photo is stunning

  13. Really gorgeous photos this week. I love that sky and Misty Moo's shadow especially.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)