
Sunday 6 October 2013

Reds and pinks and oranges

Reds and pinks and oranges, fading to brown.
I have an art project in my mind for the kids to do, to collect a bucket of leaves and make me a picture in all the autumnal shades they can find. I would enjoy it. They would possibly enjoy it too. It would make for a great IG post ;-)
But so far we haven't managed to squeeze in enough time for a walk in the woods. I'm foraging for leaves in my own garden and off the bonnet of my car, but the sun burnt canopy of autumn's riches at the top of the trees has so far eluded me.
Perhaps I'm a bit premature, and the leaves haven't really turned yet. Impatient as always. I'll park my art project and soak up the colours that this week has given me instead.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 29.09.13
 The willow is still green.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 30.09.13
 Those adorable pink toes.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 01.10.13
Rose lips pursed in concentration

FiveGoBlogging 365project 02.10.13
A rich orange circling the heart of these flowers.

FiveGoBlogging 365project 03.10.13
Brilliant brilliant red

FiveGoBlogging 365project 04.10.13
Plum jacket, plum throw, waiting for his bestie

FiveGoBlogging 365project 05.10.13
And all under a beautiful blue sky. How lucky are we?

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TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

And with Make Do And Push - The week that was Instagrammed!



  1. That red leaf photo is beautiful, so vibrant!

  2. I agree with Helen - the red leaf photo is stunning! As is the cloud photo :) Time really does seem to move at a lightning speed at the moment...

    Thank you so much for linking up! xx

  3. love the brilliant red leaf. my mum misses this part of the year, she loves the autumn colours

  4. Gorgeous, loving the different colours and I agree, that leaf shot is awesome

  5. You already know I love that red leaf!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)