
Sunday 22 December 2013

Counting down

Only 3 more sleeps, 3 more times of asking "How many sleeps till Santa comes?", 2 more days to forget to buy sausage rolls, 1 more present to buy (I hope) and hopefully NO more lists!

I was on the cusp of a Christmas spreadsheet you know, a plan of which presents for who from who was right up there, a necessity given so many relatives decided to send me money with which to buy presents for the children. Spreadsheet crisis averted, and a very tatty list of lists in hand, I have Chrisrmas sussed. *smug face* Well, when I say sussed, it would technically be more accurate to say delegated. The Mr has a list for tomorrow that he caught sight of earlier. It is fair to say his Christmas spirit was suddenly lacking.

And while we are counting down, only 10 more sleeps until another year of 365project is completed. 741 days of photos done, 10 to go. Well actually an infinite number of days to go. I'll still be snapping daily snippets next year, to my children's delight, catching them caught in a moment, or posing them artistically, whichever suits my mood, or causes most embarrassment.

For example, this week we have feral poseurs...

... Ghostly torch walk poseurs...

... caught unawares but still posing...

... Disdainful 'have you taken the photo yet because its your turn' pose... 

... posing nativity shepherd...

... not posing at all so gave up and used an inanimate object for today's subject...

... mass posing/crushing...

... and another week of me snapping, them posing/dodging the camera to come. 

Join The Boy and Me to follow other 365ers

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

And Make Do and Push for The Week That Was Instagrammed.



  1. Nothing says Christmas like a tea towel on someone's head...I love it.

  2. I love the posed crush! :) Great photos!

    Thank you so much for linking up to #TWTWI xx

  3. That torch pose is ace, is it two shots in one? Love the non-posing one.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)