
Saturday 1 February 2014

Getting wet

Hunkering down against the elements.
Braving the wind and sheltering from the rain. 

We have been lucky with nothing worse than a soaking from a passing car as it sends up a wave of water on a perfect trajectory to wipe us out from the waist down. Sodden we have trudged back and taken shelter in our cosy home, grateful for the new boiler and the hill on which we live.

I feel for those who have found their homes under feet of dirty water, with nowhere to get warm and dry, with possessions ruined, and lives wrecked.

We are lucky.

As much as I am impatient for Spring it is incomparable to their impatience for falling water levels. May spring be early, dry and beautiful.

Washout on the motorway.

Waiting for the weekend and a chance to relax. Oh wait! It's only Monday!

Bright umbrellas bring a little cheer.

Weatherproof play, indoors and having more fun with the box the robot came in.

Snugly onesie, homework and larking about.

Drip, drip, drip and (just to mix it up a bit) drop.

No rain but plenty of mud.

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  1. Finally, no rain! You are very positive about the soaking. I get really cross with drivers that regularly soak us on the school run ;) Love the brolly pic x

  2. Love the rain on the tree.
    Love the huge smile.
    Great pics

  3. I love that first picture! The weather has been wet here lately as well. I also really enjoyed the last two pictures. The raindrops on the tree are lovely.

  4. loving that mud picture!! although i am with you lets hope things dry out and warm up soon!

  5. What a cheerful looking brolly :)

  6. Lovely pics, love the umberella its fab and bright

  7. A wonderful take on the incessant dampness of late, the water blown over the mirror is excellent!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  8. Hope you saw some sunshine this weekend. We did at last!

  9. Love the umbrella and larking about in a onsie pic, really made me smile. x

  10. I am fed up of all the rain, glad you got a little bit of sunshine in the end

  11. I feel for all those who are getting flooded too. Somerset isn't a good place to be at the moment. Let's hope we get a dry spell soon. X

  12. What a lovely way to capture some rainy photos. Loving the last shot and the umbrella one is fab too


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