
Sunday 25 May 2014


A new week filled with sunlight breeds new optimism but with a huge knot in my stomach as I sign a contract of employment. 

Times are changing. Priorities change. Families grow up and I found a job that uses my skills and will hopefully work with family life. It isn't a return to big corporate corner office that I once thought was all I wanted. It is a very small company, but with big ambitions and opportunity for me to start my second career. 

I'm anxious about being employed again, about getting up to speed with my responsibilities and about juggling life, but I am also excited about being recognised as an employable person with skills. Knock backs dent your confidence and this has come at just the right time.

Clearer skies ahead.

Stepping out from the shadow of my family.

A blossoming new career.

The return to lunch hours.

Mid week confidence wobble.

Ascending a new career path to a bright and funky future.

Hoping that the new job only looks scary and will actually be as docile as Misty Moo.

My next post will be written as a part-time working Mum. Wish me luck!

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  1. Tell us more! What are you going to be doing? I always think that new horizons come when you're ready to cope with them, and not before. It's hard to see that sometimes, but I'm sure you will love this new avenue of your life and it will blend into the new you perfectly. Good luck!

  2. Wells done you! I've just stepped back to part time after finding full time WAY too much! If I had my way I would do no time ;) Hope it all works out for you and if it doesn't ill pay you to come and design the interior of my house. I love that wallpaper but I am far too scared to go for it with colour x

  3. ooooh check you out !!! are you excited? It must feel strange having to return to work but i hope it goes well for you.
    i love how you have managed it tie i the pics with your introduction again very clever. and i also love that funky wallpaper x

  4. Love the wall and hall makeover and I hope the transition to paid work goes well. You have been working even if it wasn't paid. Mums always do

  5. I want to know what you're going to be doing, but anyway many congratulations on a new direction and career. That wall paper rocks. X

  6. Good luck. Lovely idea for the post. Hope you have not had any wobbles.

  7. Oooh belated Congratulations! I hope it's all working out OK. I work part time and pretty much always have done since kids but I wouldn't exactly call it a career - more a means to an end. I should probably be more ambitious! Love your new wallpaper and of course Misty Moo is the best!

  8. How exciting!! I hope that it all works out for you x


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)