Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Snap Slappers Week 3

Welcome back to Snap Slappers. Good to see that you haven't seen sense yet and admitted your addictions!

I'm going from strength to strength. So far my record for Picniking is about 4 hours in one session. You know, when you get sucked in, tweaking and adjusting and doodling and then you look up and not only has your tea gone cold but your children have redecorated the sitting room, and there appears to be someone asleep on the sofa.

When I left it, the sofa looked like this:


But 4 hours later, it looks like this:

Sunday Sofa by FiveGoBlogging and Picnik/></a></div>
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Join in below and have a look to see what everyone else has been doing to their poor unsuspecting photos.<br />
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<a href=Five Go Blogging Snap Slappers


  1. Oh my - you are getting rather too good at this. 4 hours you say? Clearly I need to stay stuck to the laptop for longer. Fantastic work!! x x

  2. Wow! I love the man you've drawn. How on earth did you manage that? It looks fantastic!

  3. As a fellow addict, I recognise the time it would have taken to get your man looking just right. It's great, love it!

  4. That's great!! Replace the pint with a mug of lemsip and that's pretty much how I feel today!

  5. That IS FAB! You really do have an addcition though...haha

  6. Haha! Ace picture! This would be a good birthday card.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)