
Tuesday 27 March 2012

The £1 Dress

I love a bargain.
I also love a rummage.
I love creating things.
I love sewing.
I love the smile on the Princesses face.

So can you imagine the skip in my step when I delved into my local charity shop and came out with this little cotton top for the bargain sum of £1.

cotton print top

It was the fabric that drew me to it. I loved the bright blue and orange print and a little bit of me hoped that the top would fit me. [I can't ever bring myself to try clothes on in a charity shop. It is the smell you see].

It didn't. Too small. Must diet.

So instead I cut it up. Or partially deconstructed it like this.

cotton top

cotton top cut up

Then I had to wing it.

I wanted to keep the yoke section and then have the dress attached from that leaving it sleeveless.
I took in the side seams of the dress and then gathered the top of the front and back of the body to fit the width of the yoke.
I then cut bias strips out of the excess fabric from the sleeves to finish the arm holes.
I attached the yoke front and back and then finished the edges of the yoke.

Not the neatest of jobs I have to admit but for a £1 slip-on dress I was chuffed.

And the Princess? Well she doned her model pose and declared that it was lovely!

upcycled girls dress from adult top

Am I alone in wandering charity shops looking for things to cut up?
I'm going to start my own club.


  1. fabulous and thrifty! i need to learn to sew.

  2. Brilliant! She looks great in it!

  3. This is brilliant, look how great that looks! I love going to carboots etc for bargains that can be transformed!x

  4. Wow, it looks great! I wish I knew more about sewing, maybe it's time to learn...

  5. I think that is rather clever and maybe you should be giving us all tutorials on sewing as I would love to be able to do stuff like that!

  6. That is super cute - what a great redesign, am very impressed.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)