
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Look Closer

This is a photo of my front door. Close up.


This is the door that I pass through 10 times a day, at least. I take it for granted. I don't even notice it but it keeps me safe when I am inside, is a doorway to a new day and new opportunities, and welcomes visitors. It holds a certain charm and beauty up close but stand back and all I see is glass that needs cleaning more often than I can bothered to do it.

I am amazed by the beauty in things when you take some time to actually look, examine, turn something a different way to create a shape. I seem to be doing this all the time, looking at colours and textures, looking up and down, and seeing beyond what is there. I think this stems from my increasing interest in photography, joining in with the Gallery and doing the 365project. I am constantly looking for another image.

But it has gone further. I am wandering round charity shops and I spot a cotton top. Only I don't see a cotton top. I see a dress for the Princess. I am looking for things that can be turned into something else, a bit different and I can't stop myself. I walk over a rippled paving stone to aid the blind at a road crossing and I see a really lovely pattern and take a photo of it. I boil wash a jumper and (cry) see an infinity scarf.

It's driving the kids mad. "Can we go now, Mum?" "Yes, just as soon as the sun has moved a little further round because that is going to make a stunning shadow." *sighs from the children*

But I am so absorbed by it, and I am loving the thrill of my finds whether they are visual or material. And I'm not going to stop any time soon.

In the meantime, sorry door. I promise to take more notice of you in future.

I am joining in with this weeks Gallery and the theme 'Extreme Close Up'.


  1. Nice thoughts, hello door and hello new world!

  2. I love the thinking behind this! I would have never thought of taking a picture like that.

  3. The 365 has helped me start to see things differently as well. I'm loving this new found hobby :)

  4. really thoughtful post - I shall make it my intention to look a little bit closer.

  5. Your door is lovely, and you can't see at all that it needs cleaning ;-) I know exactly what you mean about seeing photos all around you. Although I'm not seeing craft projects wherever I look...yet!
    Doing the 366 is making me a bit obsessed I think. Would be good to turn my eye off for a minute every now and again so I could go past a shot and not be late or neglect whatever I was doing.
    Glad you're enjoying the project too. I'm loving seeing your pics.

  6. Ha i love your story. Its incredible when you start seeing the world differently. My kids are very tolerant of me just stopping and going 'oooh ooh' My son the other day told me to stop and take a picture of something!! crazy. love the patterns on your door. the best of life is in the details. :)

    1. If only we had a few extra hours in the day to indulge!

  7. Wow that was brilliant! Amazing words and it is true that taking photos does change your perspective! The 366 project has been good for that! I stopped the car to take a landscape picture the other day and my 8 yr old was shouting at me to get back in the car as someone might see me!!

  8. Interesting patterns. Like you I find these patterned glasses endlessly fascinating.

  9. Love your door, and love the part about it keeping you safe. I turned 40 and suddenly started taking an interest in things that would of been ignored before. Great blog. Thankyou xx

  10. It reminds me of the house I grew up in, we had that same window pane on all the doors downstairs!

  11. We have that glass in our bathroom. Amazing that you see it every day yet don't notice it. Great choice!

  12. What a clever idea, I love it! x

  13. I love this photo, it takes me back to my childhood as we had a door with glass like that.

    1. I'm impressed you can remember! Not you specifically - I'm obviously forgetful!

  14. I recognise that glass! My parents had it in their house somewhere *racks my brain*
    It's a great shot. Just seen Corinne's comment above !

  15. What a beautiful photo- it looks like it's embossed! So clever x

  16. Brilliant picture - the children are now looking for 'beautiful things' and beautiful photo things - having got their own cameras for Christmas we're often all out together snapping away

    1. Mine just take pictures of floors, feet and ceilings!

  17. Sounds very philosophical doesn't it!

  18. I think it is really rather good, I had to read on to discover it is your door!

  19. what a great take on the theme :) It is amazing how much detail we sometimes miss because we don't take the time to stop and take a closer look x

  20. Ooooh, I love the way you embellish the photo with your thoughts. I want to read more... Love the dress you made from the charity shop top.

  21. Loved reading this. Feel I am paying more attention to things around me since I found the Gallery. I'm also driving the kids dilly with my random snapping!


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)