Wednesday, 4 April 2012


It has been a long time since I can honestly say I have experienced peace.
Three children tend to scupper all selfish ideas like that.

But there is a moment, soon after my head hits the pillow, when I think I am at peace. My mind drifts, worries of the day dissipate, tomorrows to-do list melts away. But I don't have any photos of myself sleeping.

Instead I have the next best thing.

Summer breathing through tall grass.


Autumn winds nudging and tussling clouds into whipped up frothy piles over the sea.

Yoda Cloud

Piles of paperbacks with words nestling amongst the pages to transport me to another place.

pile of books

So in an ideal world, I would be sitting on a beach with grasses on the dunes behind me, in late summer, reading a book. And probably no children of mine within earshot.

I may even nod off.

Where do you find peace?

Written for The Gallery.


  1. You are such a good photographer

  2. Sounds idyllic. And then there are those pesky kids......!!!

  3. Oh you do take a good snap missus. I have a pile of books by my bed that have been untouched for ages due to staying up too late faffing around. I need to find some peace and get to bed earlier to read and dream about corn fields x

    1. My pile of books doesn't shrink down very quickly either :(

  4. Lovely lovely post and fantastic photos!

  5. Oh that does sound rather idyllic! Great photos!

  6. Your pics of peace are perfect. Sounds like utter heaven.

    1. If only we could find a moment a day just like this!

  7. your opening line is nearly word for word the same as the one i typed - but deleted! i love your pictures and i'm feeling your sense of peace.
    thank you for sharing these

  8. I love your pile of books. I used to curl up in bed and read loads! Now I just collapse into bed and fall asleep!

    1. Me too which is why there is a pile of books. All waiting to be read... one day!

  9. Definitely symbols of peace - lying in the tall grass watching the clouds float overhead and delving into a good book - heaven!

  10. Sounds idyllic and I love the photos.

  11. What gorgeous photos - especially the grass one. Not sure I find peace anywhere at the moment - one reason I haven't joined in with the Gallery this week as really not sure what to use.

  12. Your pictures and words convey such a soothing sense of peace. Always enjoy your gallery posts :-)

  13. Really beautiful pictures, I hope one day I'll be able to do the same with my camera!

  14. Great shots - love the use of filters- were they an app or in photoshop?

  15. Awesome shots! I love the Autumn winds nudging and tussling clouds into whipped up frothy piles over the sea.


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