
Tuesday 19 June 2012

A Photo of Me

I have no idea why but there isn't one decent picture of myself I am prepared to show on this blog.
I am not vain (particularly) but I have decided I am fatorexic, or the opposite of anorexic.
I look in the mirror and think,

Yeah, not bad,
I have good legs.
I like my arms.
My neck is okay.
My bum is great.

And then I look at a photogragh of myself and weep at the epic proportions of my bingo wings, back fat, thighs, and wrinkles. This post wasn't supposed to be a a mission to fish for compliments, by the way, just a statement of why I don't use my photograph.

Having only met a few other bloggers in real life, I wanted to show my photo so there is a slim (Hah! See, fatorexic) chance that one or two of you going to BritMums Live will recognise me without me having to wear a Misty Moo mask.

But I failed.

So I have taken a self portrait, sort of, so that you can recognise my left ear and eye. I don't have 2 left eyes or 3 chins in real life (see, I probably do but being fatorexic I don't notice them).

self portrait Five Go Blogging

 And if anyone recognises me from this photo I will be genuinely amazed.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Friday x

Note to self: extra collagen cream for the next 3 days and wear make-up before taking self portrait.


  1. i'd have no problem spotting you in a crowd you gorgeous lady! sadly i'm not going to britmums so that's no use at all :)

    1. Thank you x But I look forward to meeting you one day.

  2. Ha ha, this did make me laugh! I am not going to Britmums, having only started my blogging addiction 3 months ago....however now there is so much hype about it, I wish that I was! I don't like photos of myself for an entirely different my head, I am still 25, my photos show otherwise!

    1. Haha, yes I know that feeling to! So you are addicted already? If you are on twitter follow the #britmumslive for live briefings.I'm sure there will be plenty of people tweeting all the top tips :-)

  3. I am going!! If I spot your face in a mirror then I'm sure I will recognise you. Then I shall come running to say hello!! :)

    1. I shall look forward to meeting you. I will bring my own mirror to aid in the recognition process!

  4. hi there fat-orexic, this post made me laugh! A lot. Bless you. I can't wait to see you on Friday! x


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)