
Sunday 17 June 2012

Week 24 365 Project

I can't believe we are rapidly approaching the half way mark.
Time flies when you are having fun, apparently!
And this week has certainly flown, faster than a cygnet being taught to fly by a passing dog *ahem*.

Five Go Blogging 365 Project week 24

My theme this week is beauty.

Ugly ducklings will become as beautiful as their parents with the passing of a year.
From skeins of wool a handsome hound emerges.
A butterfly gleams from within a weathered shell.
Sun struggles to shine through wind battered branches.
The beauty of a child's face lost in a game.
The Queen, so beautiful at her Coronation and so radiant in age.
And me. At a certain angle.

This time next week I will be reminiscing about BritMums where I hope to meet as many of my fellow bloggers as possible. That's me, middle left. Come and say Hi. Please.

Joining in with The Boy and Me

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Lovely photos again this week. I particularly like the one with the Mussel shells looking like a butterfly.

  2. I just adore those ducklings. Too cute

  3. Love the butterfly shell and the snap of the Queen.


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)