Friday, 20 April 2012

Friday is the new Saturday

I thought I had lost a day when I looked through my blog reader and spotted loads of Saturday is Caption Day posts today (Friday) but it seems that Mammasaurus was getting ahead of herself due to her impending blogging tour of Britain for #blogitforbabies, the brilliantly inspired fund raising event for Save The Children.

Here is the #blogitforbabies website explaining all the why what who and when questions.

Compelling aren't they? So try to do a little bit to help the fund raising cause if you can :)

Meanwhile there is another child that needs saving... from himself, as you can see here:

Caption this naughty chap caught in the act (hence the slightly dodgy focus) and then pop back to Mammasaurus who has loads more photos seeking your captioning skills.


  1. Cirque De Soleil was getting younger by the day x

  2. Well Mummy, you said not to climb on the furniture so...

  3. The olympic free running entrants get younger each year.

  4. Evil Keneeeeevil #2

    ps. thanks for the #blogitforbabies mention :D

  5. Mum, I'm really not sure this go kart has been put together properly...

  6. I'm going on Dragons Den with my new Climbing Walker!

  7. Isn't this ladder a bit short? It's not got me very far!


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)