Saturday, 7 July 2012

Saturday is Caption Day

I thought it was taking a long time for the raspberries to ripen this year. I kept peeking out and peering through the rain to see if I could see a glimpse of pinkish-red through the foliage but I just couldn't see any. I could see plenty of green raspberries so I thought it must be lack of sunshine holding up the ripening process.

Yesterday there was a window of opportunity that didn't involve donning souwester and waders to go into the garden, so I took a closer look.

Turns out someone had been pilfering my raspberries! Where once raspberries were, there were only little green stalks remaining.

I would blame Misty but lack of opposing thumbs may have been too much of a hindrence. That leaves either small fingers or mini beasts. Yes there is a distinction. Mini beasts tend to leave a little bit behind. But small fingers are nimble and adept at hiding all the evidence. After adjusting my handbag in the style of Miss Marple, I determined that the raspberry juice in the corner of the wee ones mouth 'may' be sufficient evidence to prosecute. The only remaining ripe-ish raspberry has been left on the bush in the hope that it will reach optimum juiciness so that I may sample at least one fruit of my labour.

That's if the mini beasts don't get it first.

raspberry worm

Can you think of a caption for this photo?
Pop it in my comments box if you please x

The home of captions, Mammasaurus, has more lovely photos just waiting for you, so be sure to go and have a look.


  1. The early bird gets the worm. The early worm gets Five Go Blogging's raspberries!

  2. Who would have thunk it... a raspberry with a todger!

  3. Yum Yum! An icecream and a slice of cake next I think.

  4. ... and finally on Saturaday the hungry caterpillar ate through one last really big fat juicy raspberry and then he had a stomachache (probably brought on by theft induced guilt as much as by over-eating)and then he turned into a beautiful caterpillar, so maybe it was worth losing a raspberry for in the end. Or maybe you should put a net over them!

  5. I cannot lie. They were berry berry nice.

  6. This new house of mine is berry nice.

  7. The cheeky worm blew a raspberry!

  8. Protein and fruit in one portion! All we need now is a potato with a maggot and we've got dinnr!

  9. There's a ghost of a chance this berry will still be here tomorrow

  10. this looks like a good place to set up home!


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)