Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Picture Postcard

One of the careers on my wishlist is to be a professional photographer.
Only a couple of things stand in my way.
The first is a decent camera, lenses, equipment in general.
The second is a few skills.

Should I be successful in acquiring one or other or both of the things on my 'need' list, I would consider myself a success if a photo that I took was published as a greeting card or postcard. In fact I have a little project lined up for the summer: Photos of Stamford. I may sell them.

In the meantime there appears to be a competition you can enter on this weeks Gallery to have your chosen photo printed onto postcards. It would be a start wouldn't it.

Here is my entry. I think it would make an interesting 'Hello' card, 'Just to say...' card or possibly 'Is that the time?' card (if one should exist).

dandelion clock

I'm off to the Galley to take a peak at the competition ;)
By the way, this is Tara's 100th birthday. She looks good for age doesn't she? Actually it is the gallery's 100th birthday (minor difference) so congratulations Tara on reaching your century with such a fabulous concept x


  1. My dog would eat this!!! She is obsessed with biting the heads off dandelions!! Lovely

  2. That's really lovely. What's the time then? ;) x

  3. Love this photo of yours, I would definitely buy it if it were on sale in my local gallery.

  4. That's a beautiful photo! Love the colours.

  5. What a brillian photo! I love the angle, really interesting!

  6. That's a cracking photo! You do have the skills.

  7. That is beautiful! You are very talented! I could do with some tips! xx

  8. Stunning photo! Get on to those card makers asap!

  9. Really pretty, love photographs and dandi-clocks ;)

  10. Oh that's a gorgeous photo! There is something about dandelion clocks, they remind me of being a kid and lazy summer days. I think you should chase your dream, we only live once :)

  11. Thats a very nice close up shot. After my cousins wedding at the weekend I suddenly want a very nice camera (and a few skills) too. The stuff those camera's can do is just amazing!

  12. It would make a lovely "follow your dreams" card too. I've been trying to take a dandelion clock picture this year and failed - am very jealous of the skills!

  13. Oh I just LOVE dandelion pictures :-)

  14. I love your dandelion photo - you have da skillz - don't doubt yourself x

  15. beautiful shot.

    I also have a monthly photo challenge and would love it if you would join in

    Natasha xx

  16. Oooh did she see that comment about her 100th birthday and looking good for it? Cheeky!
    Beautiful shot, now I own a lawn I pull all dandelions up quick before they spread but you can't forget the beauty of a blow clock can you?

  17. Lovely photo! Good luck for your photos of Stamford project. - Meriem from France


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)