Saturday, 13 July 2013

A Week of Productivity

Last week I said my motto was to be more productive and make memories.

If by productive I meant sitting in the garden, playing with picture editing apps on my phone, spraying water at any small person who comes within 2 meters and crocheting a soap dish out of a plastic bag, then I think I can give myself a pat on the back.

And I can remember each and every day.

So job done. Sort of.

Five Go Blogging 365project week 28 2013

Productively using a feather as a still life subject.
Every inch of BBQ space used productively.
Using all outdoor toys from the garden productively.
My productive neighbour pruned her abundant lavender and gifted me some.
An evening productively used to exercise children.
Productive use of a bucket for garden water play.
I had actually been a bit productive and I deserved that beer.

Looking forward to another sunny productive week ;-)

Join The Boy and Me to follow more 365'ers

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

And with the new linky on the block from Make Do And Push - The week that was Instagrammed!


  1. I would say that you've definitely had a productive week - especially the BBQ space! It needs to be used as much as possible whilst the weather is good.

    Thanks for linking up!
    Hannah xx

  2. Haha! I so often say I need to be more productive. Loving all the photos - especially the symmetry of the exercising children and that coool beer!

  3. Definitely a productive week - and gorgeous photos to show for it!

  4. Well done you *pats on back* clearly you've gotten far more done than I have and the beer was well deserved. Frankly anything you can get done in this heat is a bonus!

  5. That is a lot of productivity, well done! I do like the sound of spraying water at small children, I shall be trying this out tomorrow!

  6. Amazing photos! Love love love the feather photo and the water shot is a great capture. Certainly a productive photo week.

  7. Great action shot of the pool!

  8. so many wonderful photos . the food on the BBQ made me hungry when i saw it earlier in the week. i love your water splashing photo and the one of your children running down that path together x

  9. Sounds like a great productive week to me!

  10. I love your collection of photos. Wonderful and looks like you are having so much fun in your outdoor space :)

  11. Fabulous! Love the splashing and the smoking barbecue, but the running down the path is brilliant.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365


Oooh, I do like a good comment :-)